Recording finally available

We've finally got around to posting a recording of the performance on the site - you can listen to it and download it from the "LISTEN" section of the website. Sorry it's taken so long to make this available - blame it on a combination of the post-show exhaustion and the complexity of piecing together a recording from such difficult source material. Geoff has done a heroic job with the edit. The file we currently have available from the site is rather low bit rate, which is simply due to limitations of the web site itself. We'll try to make a higher quality recording available later for the golden ears amongst you. 

Sometime early in the new year we'll also be releasing the documentary from Amber Films. I've seen it, and it's great. We're currently working on showing the film first in a cinema in Newcastle - after that we'll make it available online for everyone.

Posted on December 31, 2013 .